The bride before marriage to lose weight

Swimming plastic shenfa
Time: 30 days before marriage 1 times a week
Role: here is a systemic campaign will not only help to lose weight, you can also improve your heart and lung function, human bones have been fully relaxed in the water, you can have the opportunity to "stretch the stretch", it's good for cultivating very.

Effects: 2 hours at a time, 1 time a week swimming can improve the metabolism of oxygen in the body, promoting microcirculation, strengthening body fat burning. Because water temperatures are generally lower than the temperature, so this is also conducive to the heat sink and heat consumption. Therefore, consumes energy while swimming than running large land projects in many, more obvious weight loss.

Hands-on: once a week, 2 hours each, both indoor and outdoor can be, preferably accompanied by another with you. Swim 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, respectively, and then take a break before continuing. So disposable consumable good thousands of calories of heat!
Thermal mask face method
Time: 30 days before the marriage 2 times a week
Role: improved fertilizer toot face, help eliminate facial edema, Detox moisturizing.
Result: Compact and facial contours are clear, clear acne, even complexion, Detox moisturizing.
Hands-on: 2 times a week, using the warm sense of mask. After cleaning the face be uniformly thick smear on the face, be careful to avoid eye and lip weeks. This sense of warm type mask could greatly enhance the skin's temperature, reached Detox compact effects, and can emit excess moisture facial, the outlines are clear.
Lover's massage thin shenfa
Time: 30 days before marriage 1 times a week
Role: the opposite sex massage is a wonderful thing, especially love, when his hands touch you when every inch of skin, you will feel the subtle currents through the body, so does can accelerate blood circulation, effectively burning body fat.
Results: enhanced blood circulation, effectively burning body fat. Once a week, obviously feel 4 times slimming effect Oh!
Practical: find a warm afternoon, to the River, or on the grass, covered with mats, let love help you gently massage, do not require much skill, while massage may wish to talk about some little joke adjust. Improves a relationship, can achieve the purpose of weight loss. 30 minutes at a time.
Partner: bananas. Bananas contain a dimension it's happy life is the best food to enhance their emotional. At the same time, it contains a lot of minerals and beautiful skin Detox nutrients such as cellulose, they can also help to lose weight.



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